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[Find the Job!] 台積電美國徵才之旅

台積電將於2015年4月前往美國招募! 歡迎同學報名參與說明會,更了解台積! 若您有興趣參與面談,請投遞履歷。

1. 說明會場次及報名: 2. 投遞履歷: 請將履歷寄至 或是至雲端招募系統登入履歷…/tsmc_extm/jobdetail.ftl…

TSMC(台積電) is heading to US for recruitment in the upcoming April! Hundreds seats for 80+ positions ranging from engineer to manager/executive in HQ (Taiwan). Our delegation will be in major semiconductor process/IC design cities and selected universities for recruitment.

Detail info is listed in our event web page (…/tsmc_extm/jobdetail.ftl…)

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